
Topic Digitization

Geschäftsmann benutzt das Smartphone für Online-Banking

Setting up an IT system for dealing with tax complaints

Project description   Objective: Provision of technical support to improve efficiency of the appeal process for tax and customs under the capacity of the Slovenian Ministry of Finance in full compliance with EU recommendations and guidelines through the preparation of the tender documentation including technical specifications for building up a new IT system for the… Weiterlesen Setting up an IT system for dealing with tax complaints

Setting up an IT system for dealing with tax complaints Read More »

Geschäftsmann mit einem Tablet, über dem ein Hologramm mit Verkaufsdaten und Wirtschaftswachstum angezeigt wird.

Croatian tax administration’s IT capacity building

Project description   Objective: Provision of technical support to successfully implement the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) based on high-level recommendations for implementation on GDPR and to improve the Croatian tax administrations’ capacity in building IT capacity. Results: Concept for GDPR in the Croatian tax administration to prepare the roll-out project designed Concept to… Weiterlesen Croatian tax administration’s IT capacity building

Croatian tax administration’s IT capacity building Read More »

Stethoskop auf einem Tablet mit medizinischen Symbolen

Creation and implementation of the national eHealth centre in the Czech Republic

Project description Objective: Provision of technical support to contribute to the successful establishment of a National eHealth Centre (NeHC) enabling smooth implementation of eHealth services into the Czech health care system, resulting in safer, more available and cost-effective care and enhancing social and territorial cohesion. The implementation of the NeHC will contribute to the development… Weiterlesen Creation and implementation of the national eHealth centre in the Czech Republic

Creation and implementation of the national eHealth centre in the Czech Republic Read More »

Geschäftsführerin bei einer Besprechung mit ihren Kollegen

Support to improving the coordination of internal audit in Romania

Project description   Objective: Provision of technical support to strengthen the operation of the public internal audit system of CHUPIA with the aim to prevent fraud and corruption and to improve the use of available resources at central and local levels. Results: Development of a new strategy for public internal audit developed Training programmes on… Weiterlesen Support to improving the coordination of internal audit in Romania

Support to improving the coordination of internal audit in Romania Read More »

Meereslandschaft mit Segeln am Wasser vor den griechischen Inseln

Technical assistance action to support tourism planning and policy for the promotion of sustainable tourism development in Greece

Project description   Objective: Provision of technical support for the promotion of sustainable tourism policies, instruments and investments to make tourism an effective tool for economic development. The focus of the project was to enhance the understanding of tourism from different perspectives and to foster ethical and responsible business practices and policies in the field… Weiterlesen Technical assistance action to support tourism planning and policy for the promotion of sustainable tourism development in Greece

Technical assistance action to support tourism planning and policy for the promotion of sustainable tourism development in Greece Read More »

Zertifizierung der Qualitätskontrolle, geprüfte Garantie für den Standard des Firmenprodukts.

Support to the Civil Service and Public Administration Reform

Project description   Objective: The overall objective of this project is improvement of the Government’s institutional processes and procedures, as well as legislation related to public administration, thus supporting the development of democratic society in view of future EU accession and membership. Results: Legal framework in support of the implementation of the IOP drafted Prepared… Weiterlesen Support to the Civil Service and Public Administration Reform

Support to the Civil Service and Public Administration Reform Read More »

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