Good governance

Bertatungsmeeting von mehreren Personen, die Tablet und Laptop verwenden

Further development of internal control system and internal audit in the public sector

Project description   Objective: Provision of technical support to strengthen the operation of the public internal audit system of the Latvian Ministry of Finance with the aim to initiate the transition from compliance audits to performance audits. The transition will subsequently provide more added value towards government efficiency, effective public resource management and accountability. Results:… Weiterlesen Further development of internal control system and internal audit in the public sector

Further development of internal control system and internal audit in the public sector Read More »

Junge Person am Computer programmiert Cyber-Sicherheitskonzept.

Strengthening Cybersecurity Capacities in Georgia

Objective The overall objective of the project is to strengthen Georgia’s preparedness and resilience towards cyber threats and attacks, by capacity building of Georgian stakeholders and creating enabling cybersecurity frameworks, in line with the EU’s approach, standards, and relevant legal and policy framework, notably but not limited to the NIS Directive.   Results Increase Georgias… Weiterlesen Strengthening Cybersecurity Capacities in Georgia

Strengthening Cybersecurity Capacities in Georgia Read More »

Geschäftsmann benutzt das Smartphone für Online-Banking

Setting up an IT system for dealing with tax complaints

Project description   Objective: Provision of technical support to improve efficiency of the appeal process for tax and customs under the capacity of the Slovenian Ministry of Finance in full compliance with EU recommendations and guidelines through the preparation of the tender documentation including technical specifications for building up a new IT system for the… Weiterlesen Setting up an IT system for dealing with tax complaints

Setting up an IT system for dealing with tax complaints Read More »

Technical assistance for the full implementation of e-catalogues in the Greek e-procurement system

Objective: The overall objective of the project is to support GDPC in achieving one of its strategic goals which is to create a fully functional post award e-procurement system focussing on e-catalogues, including also e-ordering, e-invoicing, e-delivery. These catalogues will be used for contract management of supplies and/or services by the GDPC itself, the majority… Weiterlesen Technical assistance for the full implementation of e-catalogues in the Greek e-procurement system

Technical assistance for the full implementation of e-catalogues in the Greek e-procurement system Read More »

Großaufnahme von Hand einer Geschäftsfrau, die Berechnungen mit Hilfe des Taschenrechners macht

Technical support to strengthen the capacity and improve the risk management and auditing functions related to large taxpayers within the national agency for fiscal administration of Romania

Project description   Objective: Provision of technical support to contribute to strengthening tax compliance and collection of the NAFA in the area of risk management and auditing of large taxpayers by improving and building the capacity of the LTDG with the aim to put in place streamlined, more efficient and effective administration of large taxpayers,… Weiterlesen Technical support to strengthen the capacity and improve the risk management and auditing functions related to large taxpayers within the national agency for fiscal administration of Romania

Technical support to strengthen the capacity and improve the risk management and auditing functions related to large taxpayers within the national agency for fiscal administration of Romania Read More »

Glockenturm der Kathedrale der Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit von Tiflis (allgemein bekannt als Sameba). Tiflis, Georgien.

Strengthening public procurement practices in Georgia

Project description   Objective: The overall objective of this project is to support Georgia in developing and maintaining a transparent, non-discriminatory, competitive public procurement system in line with the EU’s and international best standards that – from a long-term perspective – will let Georgia become a part of the EU public procurement market, leading to… Weiterlesen Strengthening public procurement practices in Georgia

Strengthening public procurement practices in Georgia Read More »

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