Good governance

Social lnsurance Services Digital Transformation {DX} Project lmplementation – Phase B

Objective: The objectives of the reform are to widen access to social protection and to improve the operational efficiency and effectiveness of its SIS. Results: Extension of Social Security Coverage to self-employed/ new forms of employment Internat process reengineering Digitization/ SIS IT system upgrade Establishment of Business lntelligence (BI) and capacity building for data insights,… Weiterlesen Social lnsurance Services Digital Transformation {DX} Project lmplementation – Phase B

Social lnsurance Services Digital Transformation {DX} Project lmplementation – Phase B Read More »

Further development of Internal Control System and Internal Audit in the public administration of the Republic of Latvia – Phase II

Project description   Objective: The project aims to strengthen the functioning of the public Internal Audit system in Latvia. The project will also improve the professional capacity of public Internal Auditors and create an Internal Audit culture in the public administration, notably at local level. Results: Developing the Internal Control System and Internal Audit in… Weiterlesen Further development of Internal Control System and Internal Audit in the public administration of the Republic of Latvia – Phase II

Further development of Internal Control System and Internal Audit in the public administration of the Republic of Latvia – Phase II Read More »

Improve Efficiency of the ESI Funds Absorption Processes in Slovenia

Objective: Through the TSI project, urban municipalities represented by ZMOS, with 750.000 inhabitants in Cohesion Regions West and East Slovenia, will study the feasibility of starting a Brussels representation, benefiting from several good practices from other Member States (such as the Austrian municipalities). Results: Improved efficiency of the ESI Funds absorption processes in Slovenia by… Weiterlesen Improve Efficiency of the ESI Funds Absorption Processes in Slovenia

Improve Efficiency of the ESI Funds Absorption Processes in Slovenia Read More »

New CPS (Public Employment Service) & Subsidy Schemes Management System (Intermediate Body)

Objective: The first project phasewill be used to analyze the current digital priorities in PES’s and IB’s ongoing digital transformation process, whereas Phase B will refer to as the lmplementation phase for the mentioned projects Results: Reviewing and evaluating the existing Candidates Placement System (CPS), PES IT Core System in comparison to available systems &… Weiterlesen New CPS (Public Employment Service) & Subsidy Schemes Management System (Intermediate Body)

New CPS (Public Employment Service) & Subsidy Schemes Management System (Intermediate Body) Read More »

Public Employment Service (PES) Performance Management System

Objective: This project will focus on the design and implementation of a consistent and integral Performance Management System, a Balanced Scorecard and implementing a dashboard to represent results to the management in PES and the Department of Labour. Results: A detailed design and implementation of a Performance Management System (PMS) A Dashboard to present results… Weiterlesen Public Employment Service (PES) Performance Management System

Public Employment Service (PES) Performance Management System Read More »

Frau am Computer

Implementation of new approaches and tools for improving tax compliance of large taxpayers in Romania

Project description   Objective: This project aims at providing technical support to the NAFA to experiment with and make good use of modern tools like Horizontal Monitoring and Data Mining for improving the tax compliance of large taxpayers. The findings of the predecessor SRSS-Project “Technical support to strengthen the capacity and improve the risk management… Weiterlesen Implementation of new approaches and tools for improving tax compliance of large taxpayers in Romania

Implementation of new approaches and tools for improving tax compliance of large taxpayers in Romania Read More »

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