Technical assistance for the full implementation of e-catalogues in the Greek e-procurement system

Objective: The overall objective of the project is to support GDPC in achieving one of its strategic goals which is to create a fully functional post award e-procurement system focussing on e-catalogues, including also e-ordering, e-invoicing, e-delivery. These catalogues will be used for contract management of supplies and/or services by the GDPC itself, the majority of Greece’s public contracting authorities as well as economic operators.


  • Strategy development, analysis, prototyping, testing and piloting resulting in
    • an overall strategy to expand e-procurement processes,
    • an investment and customizing plan for a post award e-procurement system
    • and the use of techniques and instruments for electronic and aggregated procurement.
  • Technical implementation, customization and dissemination resulting in
    • an action plan for the full implementation of e-catalogue processes and/or Dynamic Purchasing Systems and/or Framework Agreements through ESIDIS for the majority of contracting authorities in Greece
    • the GDPC`s staff being familiarized with the modules of ESIDIS
    • the dissemination of the system to the economic operators already enrolled in ESIDIS including trainings for potential bidders in public tenders
    • developed KPIs incorporated in the e-catalogue system
    • the set up of trainings and learning concepts
    • the build-up of GDPC`s personnel competence in setting up and running e-catalogues tenders.


GDPC – General Directorate of Public Contracts
Funding programme:
SRSS – Structural Reform Support Service
Implementation period:
March 2019 – September 2021

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