
Technical assistance for the full implementation of e-catalogues in the Greek e-procurement system

Objective: The overall objective of the project is to support GDPC in achieving one of its strategic goals which is to create a fully functional post award e-procurement system focussing on e-catalogues, including also e-ordering, e-invoicing, e-delivery. These catalogues will be used for contract management of supplies and/or services by the GDPC itself, the majority… Weiterlesen Technical assistance for the full implementation of e-catalogues in the Greek e-procurement system

Technical assistance for the full implementation of e-catalogues in the Greek e-procurement system Read More »

Reform of the disability assessment system: technical support on pilot implementation and the national roll-out in Greece

Objective: The specific goal of the project is to provide technical support on the design and implementation of the revised disability assessment approach in Greece. Technical support was provided both during the disability assessment pilot to be and on different aspects of the subsequent national roll-out. Results: Organisational development IT systems and business processes development… Weiterlesen Reform of the disability assessment system: technical support on pilot implementation and the national roll-out in Greece

Reform of the disability assessment system: technical support on pilot implementation and the national roll-out in Greece Read More »

Meereslandschaft mit Segeln am Wasser vor den griechischen Inseln

Technical assistance action to support tourism planning and policy for the promotion of sustainable tourism development in Greece

Project description   Objective: Provision of technical support for the promotion of sustainable tourism policies, instruments and investments to make tourism an effective tool for economic development. The focus of the project was to enhance the understanding of tourism from different perspectives and to foster ethical and responsible business practices and policies in the field… Weiterlesen Technical assistance action to support tourism planning and policy for the promotion of sustainable tourism development in Greece

Technical assistance action to support tourism planning and policy for the promotion of sustainable tourism development in Greece Read More »

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