
Geschäftsmann mit einem Tablet, über dem ein Hologramm mit Verkaufsdaten und Wirtschaftswachstum angezeigt wird.

Croatian tax administration’s IT capacity building

Project description   Objective: Provision of technical support to successfully implement the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) based on high-level recommendations for implementation on GDPR and to improve the Croatian tax administrations’ capacity in building IT capacity. Results: Concept for GDPR in the Croatian tax administration to prepare the roll-out project designed Concept to… Weiterlesen Croatian tax administration’s IT capacity building

Croatian tax administration’s IT capacity building Read More »

Universitätsstudenten, die in der Bibliothek auf Computern arbeiten

Further enhancing the human resources, training and education system of the Ministry of Interior in Croatia

Project description   Objective: Provision of support to support the process of enhancing institutional capacity of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Croatia with the aim to strengthen capacities of the legal affairs and human resources directorate and police academy of the MoI in the area of the human resources management including training… Weiterlesen Further enhancing the human resources, training and education system of the Ministry of Interior in Croatia

Further enhancing the human resources, training and education system of the Ministry of Interior in Croatia Read More »

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