Improving capacities and capabilities within the prison system in the Republic of Serbia

Themis-Statue und Richterhammer im Hintergrund

Project description



Provision of support to strengthen capacities for training, education and employment of convicted persons, and to improve living and working conditions within the prison system in the Republic of Serbia with the purpose to improve capacities and capabilities of the penitentiary system.


  • Improved organisational and technical capacities of the centre for training and vocational education of prison staff for further preparation and delivery of training programmes for staff employed within the system for enforcement of penal sanctions amendments to the legislative framework in line with strategic framework proposed
  • Professional knowledge and skills of the staff employed within the penitentiary system for working with different types of prisoners, with a particular emphasis on vulnerable categories (women, foreigners, minorities, LGBTI persons, minors, addicts, elderly people, people with physical and mental disabilities, and the abused)


The administration for enforcement of penal sanctions of the Serbian Ministry of Justice
Funding programme:
IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance)
Implementation period:
June 2017 – March 2019

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