Project description
Provision of support to align the Albanian justice system with the EU acquis and best international practices with the aim to increase the professional quality of judges and prosecutors, reduce the impact of organised crime, politics and corruption in the delivery of justice, and to enhance the integrity and accountability of judiciary institutions.
The vetting organs or “re-evaluation institutions” (as referred to in the respective law) in Albania are set up and the re-evaluation process in the following three main evaluation areas in order to ensure honest and impartial performance are monitored:
- Full asset audit procedure carried out by the High Inspectorate for the Declaration and Audit of Assets and Conflict of Interest (HIDAACI) for the re-evaluation institutions based on declarations of assets and comparative information collected from various sources.
- Duly performed background assessment carried out by the national security authority for the re-evaluation institutions based on declaration forms and upon the most accurate evidence, information and intelligence available.
- Sound proficiency assessment on the basis of self-evaluations as well as proficiency assessment reviews carried out by the relevant proficiency assessment body for the re-evaluation institutions.